PDFCreator 0.9.8

PDFCreator 0.9.8

PDFCreator easily creates PDFs from any Windows program. Use it like a printer in Word, StarCalc or any other Windows application.

PDFCreator 0.9.8 Features:

* Create PDFs from any program that is able to print
* Security: Encrypt PDFs and protect them from being opened, printed etc.
* Send generated files via eMail
* Create more than just PDFs: PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, EPS
* AutoSave files to folders and filenames based on Tags like Username, Computername, Date, Time etc.
* Merge multiple files into one PDF
* Easy Install: Just say what you want and everything is installed
* Terminal Server: PDFCreator also runs on Terminal Servers without problems
* And the best: PDFCreator is free, even for commercial use! It is Open Source and released under the Terms of the GNU General Public License.

Note from FreewareFiles: The setup program includes a toolbar which does not have to be installed to use the software.

What’s New in PDFCreator 0.9.8 :

* Uses GPL-Ghostscript 8.64 now.
* Improved PDF/A compatibility.
* New output format SVG (experimental)
* Improved check for updates on PDFCreator.
* Improved COM interface.
* Fixed some minor bugs.

What’s New in version 0.9.7:

* Create very small PDF/A files
* A new version of the pdfforge.dll supports direct creation of PDFs from images and can create booklets
* Supports Windows 7 Beta
* New Browser Add On
* Many minor improvements
* From now on, we are trying to shorten the release cycles to serve bug fixes and new features faster that we did in the past.